Thank you for wanting to pray with and care for people in need at the Pasadena Convention Center! Please refer to the Sign Up sheet here.
Address: 300 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101-2308
Join the Whatsapp Group:
Watch the video for how to get there:
If you plan to offer prayer/support for people at Pasadena Convention Center, here’s some tips:
Assess that you personally are feeling well enough to go. Spend enough time grounding yourself in the Lord, take care of your loved ones and make sure that you have the emotional bandwidth and spiritual strength to minister to someone besides yourself.
- Go with a team. Please do not go alone. Join this whatsapp chat so we can work together so we can have a plan of action: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LAOCH9n0JNTJC6xg0nQk69 https://chat.whatsapp.com/LAOCH9n0JNTJC6xg0nQk69
- Bring with you water, a mask, snacks, warm clothing.
- Avoid driving through areas that have been affected
- Tell someone where you are going, and do regular check ups to get regular prayer coverage (Deploy group chat, your LG group, your loved ones)
- Read this document in its entirety. Download this guide, Trauma Healing Basis here or refer to the 3 questions below. Tips for prayer, grounding resources, etc. are here: https://bit.ly/crisis-responseLA
- Pray with others before you go.