From Epicentre Church Pasadena

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Thank you for your desire to respond to the current crisis. Before you help others, check in with yourself - your emotions or fears, and give it to God. We need to give out of the overflow of God’s peace and love before we can care for others. Keep yourself fed and hydrated and give space to care for yourself or know your limits.


⭐People will be in shock. In your conversation, keep things simple and help them regulate their emotions and get grounded. You can lovingly offer prayer if they are open to it. Consider using this tool: SAFE- Safety, Active listening, Family time, Empower.

Some of us are planning to offer prayer and support to people at Pasadena Convention Center. Please review logistics for this here.

⚕️Safety/ basic needs

This is a crucial step before going to prayer/grounding.

👂🏽Active Listening

Offer Comfort not Optimism. Do not offer advice at this time. Simply listening to people and being present is powerful. Here’s 3 basic questions:

  1. What happened?

  2. How do you feel?

  3. What is the hardest part for you?

When they’re feeling overwhelmed, sit with them, offer to pray, then have them breathe. Ask for permission before touching them. Nod, repeat back, “It sounds like…” Listen with love and empathy. Summarize back what you hear. Ex: If someone shares, “I felt …" we could say, "It sounds like you felt..." And that may lead them to elaborate more.

Grounding Peace Tool

🧡Family time